Access Anatomy 2023
Friday, June 23rd 10.30am-12.30pm
Newcastle University, Callaghan Campus
As a Pilates teacher, you have a unique understanding of the moving body. Are you looking to expand your knowledge of the human body by taking your knowledge of anatomy to the next level?
Access to the anatomy lab is an amazing privilege and learning environment that is readily available to Physiotherapy, and Medical students. Lisa Anthony is excited to be able to offer this experience to movement teachers, once again.
This 2-hour workshop is led by two experienced Educators;
Lisa Anthony, Physiotherapist, Pilates Practitioner and Educator. Also a Lecturer from the School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy at the University of Newcastle.
This workshop is a unique opportunity for movement teachers to deepen their knowledge and understanding of anatomy in a hands-on, interactive environment. You will have the guidance of your experienced Educators and work directly with cadavers and other anatomy specimens, within the state-of-the-art anatomy labs of Newcastle University.
You will be taking a detailed look at cadaver specimens of the following:
- the respiratory system
- the abdominal region
- the lower limb
- the upper limb
- the nervous system
- the skeletal system
Whether you are a seasoned movement teacher or just starting out in the movement industry, this workshop is designed to provide valuable insights and practical knowledge that will enhance your understanding of anatomy and its impact on human movement.
Approved for 2 PDP points with the PAA
Email if you would like to book.
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