
CPD approved * continuing education workshops

Lisa has created various workshops from 2- 4 hours in length, designed to empower Pilates teachers with the confidence to work with clients with pain, injury or musculoskeletal compromise. The information-packed workshops contain current research, theoretical components as well as ample practical information and skills that can be immediately implemented into your Pilates teaching.

These workshops can be delivered in-house at your facility (subject to equipment and participant numbers).

Access Anatomy, learning from the inside out.

Guided tours into the anatomy labs of the University of Newcastle.

This amazing experience is tailored to the Pilates professional to deepen knowledge of the amazing human body and enhance your teaching skills (see workshops page). Lisa and a university anatomy tutor are on hand to guide you through an anatomy course like no other.

One to one professional support

Is there a particular area of therapeutic Pilates that you would like to learn more about? Perhaps a client that has needs that require guidance with Pilates programming. A private consultation can be conducted via phone, Skype or in person at PhysioXtra.

Lunch and learn

These bite-sized information-packed seminars * are a great way to bring your teaching team together.